Minimal Neovim pt4: Git integration with Lazygit
My minimal Neovim configuration is coming along nicely. I can perform basic window management, open and close files with Neotree, and have a great foundation with which-key to configure and easily view all the keymaps I set up.
The next core feature I am missing is Git integration. Presently, everytime I want to add and commit files to my repo, then push to Github, I need to open a separate terminal window to run the commands. This is rather annoying when writing a blog (especially a tech blog) because I am frequently writing new content and updating old stuff, followed by publishing immediately after. Having Git integration within Neovim is a real convenience.
I’ve been enjoying Lazygit and discovered that LazyVim has built-in support for Lazygit. However, it appears to my inexperienced eyes that its a pretty custom implementation rather than relying on a plugin. I am not keen (at least at the moment) for building this level of customization to embed Lazygit within my Minimal Neovim - that would defeat the purpose of a ‘minimal Neovim’ after all. Fortunately, I did discover lazygit.nvim
plugin for Neovim.
To install, I used the following spec from the lazygit repo:
-- nvim v0.8.0
return {
lazy = true,
cmd = {
-- optional for floating window border decoration
dependencies = {
-- setting the keybinding for LazyGit with 'keys' is recommended in
-- order to load the plugin when the command is run for the first time
keys = {
{ "<leader>g", group = "git", desc = "Git" },
{ "<leader>gg", "<cmd>LazyGit<cr>", desc = "LazyGit" }
The configuration is pretty much an exact copy and paste from the repo, but I added a group to which-key to display all the Git keymaps in one place.
Pressing <leader>gg
openx the LazyGit window inside Neovim, and all normal git workflows are successful.