Minimal Neovim pt5: Basic Options
In the Minimal Neovim so far, there are a number of basic and essential options that have not been enabled yet, but I am sorely missing. Things like line num...
In the Minimal Neovim so far, there are a number of basic and essential options that have not been enabled yet, but I am sorely missing. Things like line num...
My minimal Neovim configuration is coming along nicely. I can perform basic window management, open and close files with Neotree, and have a great foundation...
The next desperately needed feature is window and buffer management. That is, convenient shortcuts to easily open and navigate between open buffers and windo...
After installing Neo-tree for directory browsing, I remembered how useless these plugins, and most of Neovim, will be without custom key maps. That is, it wo...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
I have been a Neovim fan for years, although I would consider myself at an intermediate skill level at best. That is, I know how to quite Vim, but have not d...